The funeral services business has been growing for years. The industry has a market size of $19.5 billion and has expanded at a rate of 1.5% over the past five years, with more development projected for the next five.

That steady growth can make the funeral services business a prudent option for potential franchise owners. A little knowledge about how to get started can put you on the road to becoming part of a dynamic and essential franchise service in demand nationwide.

1. Learn What’s Needed to Get Started in the Funeral Services Business

The first step in starting a business in funeral services is to learn about the baseline requirements for a new franchise owner. Every industry has its own must-dos and must-haves; the funeral industry is no exception.

To launch a well-designed funeral services business, future owners should address some basics at the outset. Having all necessary equipment and facilities in place when the doors open is essential to help ensure every client gets served well and with compassion.

The Essential Equipment and the Correct Approach

Future owners should begin by deciding what services they plan to offer. Doing so can help them have a clear idea of how to proceed.

Here are some items a franchise owner will need to purchase and install.

  • Cremation and embalming system and tables
  • Brick-and-mortar facilities
  • Transportation
  • Storage facilities

The franchise can assist the new owner in getting set up correctly and connect them with vendors and a build team.

2. Find a Funeral Services Business for Sale

A prospective franchise owner has some choices to make when looking into the funeral services business. Connecting with a brand that reflects the potential owner’s take on business and has a clear vision for the industry’s future is critical.

For example, adding cremation facilities can expand a franchise’s potential clientele by providing a service that’s become the leading option for death care. It can make sense to seek out a brand that focuses on cremation to be part of that trend.

Get to Know the Franchise Brands

The future franchise owner has some tools to help them better understand which brand might work best for them. Look at each business’s franchise disclosure document to understand how they operate and the relationships they want to build with their owners.

Examine the systems and processes the franchise has in place, and learn about startup and ongoing costs and fees. A close look at each brand can help the potential owner narrow their options to the one that’s in tune with their preferred way of operating.


3. Talk to the Franchise and Meet With Leadership

You’ve looked into the funeral services business, found the brand that appeals to you, and decided to move on to the next step. It’s time for the “getting-to-know-you” phase of the franchising journey.

Partnering with a franchise is a mutual commitment between the future owner and the business, and both sides should enter into the arrangement with confidence. That’s what makes Discovery Day such a vital moment in the onboarding experience.

Discovery Day Can Be a Powerful Tool — Use It!

This is the chance for all parties to become better acquainted and understand how well they might work together. Prospective owners should plan on sitting down with senior franchise leadership and key members of their team.

Discovery Day is a sort of audition or high-level job interview — the moment when both the future owner and the franchise can get answers to their questions before moving forward. Take as long as is needed to feel comfortable with the franchise, hit them with any questions about the business or what’s involved in the day-to-day at the brand, and expect to receive questions in return.

4. Prepare to Open Your Own Funeral Services Business

After all the research and review, the process is nearly complete. New owners can now realize their vision of franchise ownership, sign with the brand, and begin planning their new funeral home business.

There are plenty of boxes to check off along the way, from territory and location selection to buildout to equipment and inventory setup. Next comes staff hiring and training, marketing the new business, and a targeted and effective opening to kick things off in style.

Get the Brand Backing You Expect and Deserve

The franchise should have a dedicated and experienced team to support the owner through this period and provide expert assistance to help each step go smoothly. Their backing can be invaluable in ensuring that the new location is prepared for operations and is ready for business.

And the owner’s relationship with the franchise continues past opening day. The brand should be available to lend a hand whenever needed, day or night, and can be a crucial support. Look to them for additional training in new systems and processes as they come online, and turn to them for advice when any issue arises.

Own a Modern Funeral Services Business with Cypress Pointe Cremation!

Now could be a promising moment to join the funeral industry, and Cypress Pointe Cremation is dedicated to helping give its owners the support to help them grow.

We’ve designed our franchise to deliver compassionate, affordable death-care services to our clients, and we look out for our owners with comprehensive training, low onboarding costs, and exclusive systems that keep them at the forefront of the industry. It’s helped make us a brand with expansion in mind, and we’re looking for future owners to be part of our growing business.

Want to learn more? Contact us today!