Sports are as much a part of the American story as Uncle Sam, hot dogs, and apple pie. Sports are fun and teach us many skills we can use as we grow up, make friends, and navigate through our society. Even our everyday language is peppered with sports terminology… don’t drop the ball, nothing but net, hit it out of the park, armchair quarterback, and so on. Sports encourage us to exercise and improve through practice and training, which makes us feel great. If you’re considering investing in a sports training franchise, we think opening your own Shoot 360 sports training franchise will make you feel great, too.

We’re Not Talking Playground Sports Anymore

The games many of us played for fun as little kids are now taken seriously by teens, young adults, and professionals alike. These games are now played by athletes who want to be the best at what they do, and training is a key ingredient in getting better at every level. High-level sports training is the key to improving the chances of getting college scholarships or ultra-high-dollar professional contracts. So, what does this have to do with feeling great about investing in a sports training franchise? Read on…

Sports are Good For Us

Sports are not only fun to play but also good for our health and community. Through sports, athletes also learn great social skills and improve their overall well-being, from pure fitness to cognitive abilities.

Sports are a Pathway to Financial Security

Along with the established health benefits of playing sports, becoming a serious athlete can be a career goal and pathway to a financially secure future. The rising contract values of professional athletes are enticing and can encourage athletes at lower levels to improve to have a better shot at the money pots in pro sports.

Average Salaries Across Major Pro Sports in the United States

  • Average NBA Salary is over $8 million per year.
  • Average NFL Salary is over $3 million per year.
  • Average MLB Salary is over $4 million per year.
  • Average NHL Salary is over $2.5 million per year.
  • Average MLS Salary is just under $500,000 per year.

The Odds Are Against Becoming a Pro Athlete

The biggest hurdle in becoming a Professional Athlete in the U.S. is the sheer number of athletes competing for a very limited number of job openings (spots on the roster). From a simple odds standpoint, athletes have a range of only a .05% to 18% chance of making a pro team, depending on the sport. For this reason, many high school and college athletes take sports training seriously to improve their chances of making it to the big leagues.

  • There are roughly 3,900 positions open in pro sports (MLB, NFL, NBA, WNBA, MLS, NHL).
  • There are around 2.9 million high school athletes.
  • There are around 260,000 collegiate athletes.
  • College athletes (at all levels) have a 1.5% of making a pro roster.

As you can see, the raw chance of any athlete at the high school or collegiate level of moving on to a career in professional sports is extremely slim.

Youth Sports and Sports Training Franchises are Serious Business

The Youth Sports Industry serves around 60 million children annually in America, and parents are spending big money on their kids’ involvement in sports, with the average annual expense being around $883 per child, per sport, per season. With this much invested, it’s understandable that more and more money is also being spent on sports training and that the specialized training market is growing.

Technology is Helping Sports Training Franchises Improve Athletic Development

The quality of training provided for athletes by sports training franchises is increasingly important, especially as the competition grows. Technology has become crucial in the training cycle and a must-have for serious sports coaching and training. The old days of coaches and assistants watching athletes during practice, reviewing film footage, evaluating data, and making assessments are over. Precision wearables, instant video feedback, live tracking, and laser technology have made real-time feedback crucial in providing the best sports training franchise experience.

How’s All This Supposed to Make Me Feel Great About Investing in a Sports Training Franchise?

The opportunity to help improve athletes’ skills, health, and well-being should be enough to make anyone feel good. Add to that the known academic and social benefits that sports provide, and how can you not feel great about investing in a sports training franchise? Highly qualified sports coaching combined with the proprietary technology tools that Shoot360 Sports Training Franchises implement offers a model of sports training perfectly suited for athletes of all levels.

If you’re ready to feel great about making a positive impact in the lives of athletes by helping them improve their skills, grow their understanding of the games they love, and set them on a path of healthier living, then we should talk. Reach out to us via the contact form on our website or call us at 866-274-0389 and let us help you feel great about investing in a sports training franchise and the lives of athletes.